Psychological Evaluations

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What Are Psychological Evaluations?

Psychological evaluations are utilized to clarify or confirm psychological-based conditions. These evaluations are typically recommended or sought out when there are uncertainties about what condition(s) a person may be experiencing; the symptoms associated with the conditions being assessed would be impacting a person's daily functioning.

Psychological evaluations consist of a 60 to 90-minute clinical assessment interview with a psychologist or someone directly under the supervision of a psychologist. Following the clinical assessment interview, structured and standardized assessments are usually administered. These assessments are tailored to the person's specific concerns. Testing is usually brief but can take on average 1 to 3 hours. Examples of reasons individuals may complete a psychological evaluation include but are not limited to confirming an ADHD diagnosis, confirming a learning disability, ruling out a depressive disorder versus bipolar disorder diagnosis, or generally provided more structured assessment of symptoms a person is experiencing. Following completion of the evaluation, a report summarizing the results of the evaluation and functional-based recommendations for symptom management are provided.

How We Work


1. Schedule an Appointment

Call us at 248-788-4300
or fill out a form


2. Receive
Your Follow-Up

We will call, text
or email you back


3. Begin
Your Journey!

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