Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations
What are Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations?
Pre-surgical Psychological Evaluations are often required by medical providers prior to obtaining various surgical procedures. It is important prior to any major surgical procedure to ensure that an individual has an appropriate understanding of what the procedure entails as well as realistic expectations of the long-term effects.
Pre-surgical psychological evaluations consist of a 60 to 90-minute clinical assessment interview with a psychologist in which the focus of assessment is on an individual’s understanding of the surgical procedure they are pursuing, barriers to recovery from this procure, discussion of psychosocial supports for recovery post procure, and identification of factors which may need be to more closely monitored post-surgical procure.
Following the clinical assessment interview, an individual will complete self-report diagnostic measures and/or when necessary standardized cognitive evaluation measures to aid in the identification of factors that could impact an individual’s recovery and provide feedback/recommendations which can help support success post-procedure. The duration of these evaluations is typically 3 hours, with recommendations provided at that time.
Pain Pump and Spinal Cord Stimulator Assessments
Intrathecal Pain Pumps and Spinal Cord Stimulators are both proven ways to manage chronic pain associated with a wide variety of injuries and illnesses. Prior to the implant surgery, patients are referred for a pre-surgical psychological evaluation. This assessment is used to establish that the patient has a clear vision of the treatment plan and realistic expectations of the implant. It also serves to identify any barriers to positive outcomes and suggest means to mitigate those barriers when possible and make recommendations regarding treatment of comorbid psychological conditions.
Bariatric Surgery Assessments
Psychological clearance is required prior to completing bariatric surgery to assess psychological factors associated with weight management treatment and to identify any barriers to positive outcomes from surgery, and suggest means to mitigate those barriers when possible. Recommendations regarding the treatment of comorbid psychological conditions/eating disorders may also be made.
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