Dr. Bryan Weinstein, D.O.
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Bryan Weinstein is a practicing Michigan psychiatrist with board certification from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He has been board certified since 1999 and has been practicing psychiatric pharmacology as well as psychotherapy since 1997.
Dr. Weinstein has extensive knowledge in the fields of chronic pain, traumatic brain injury, psychopharmacology, and general psychiatry. He received his undergraduate and Osteopathic Medical Degree from Michigan State University. He attended the residency programs of Detroit Psychiatric Institute and Wayne State University and received a mini-fellowship in electroconvulsive therapy at Duke University.
Dr. Weinstein is a successful lecturer for a number of pharmaceutical companies including Forest, Wyeth-Ayerst, GlaxoSmithKline, Cephalon, and Takeda pharmaceuticals, and provides professional education CEUs in neurorehabilitation. He is a member of the Osteopathic Medical Society, the Psychoanalytic Society, and the Brain Injury Association of Michigan.
He owns and practices in two private psychiatric clinics. Dr. Weinstein is also the CEO of Life Skills Village Center for Brain Injury Rehabilitation; he owns and operates Advanced Behavioral Rehabilitation LLC, which provides behavioral treatment for people involved in the judicial system, as well as Peak Pharmacy. He is an avid sportsman and musician as well as a loving husband and father of 3 children.