Mind Health Blog

Ania Austin + Food pic

Mental Health and Healthy Food- Your Brain on Food – from a Psychotherapist

As Hippocrates once said, “let thy food be thy medicine.” These words of wisdom hold the same importance today as it did in the past. Becoming the best version of oneself not only includes addressing emotions and trauma, but it also involves nourishing our bodies efficiently. It is common to focus on diet to reach…


Pediatric Speech Therapy | Oak Park | Michigan | Life Skills Village

1) What is Pediatric Speech Therapy? Pediatric speech therapy is meeting the child where they need us, even if that’s on the monkey bars! The speech-language pathologist can work on the production or the comprehension of speech and language. Production may include goals like developing age- appropriate speech sounds or vocabulary. Comprehension may include goals…


Parkinson’s Disease incidents are much higher than previously expected – according to new study

This past Thursday, December 14th 2022, a New Study showcasing the rise in over 30,000 more cases of PD than previously expected… The study was released by Allison Willis at Penn Medicine – The University of Pennsylvania Health System. The information in this article is sourced directly from that article in short. Initial Findings “Disease…

High Resolution Portrait of Amy L

What is cognitive rehabilitation and how can a speech therapist help?

As a speech-language pathologist (speech therapist) who treats clients with traumatic brain injuries I frequently provide cognitive rehabilitation and compensatory strategy training. Cognition includes but is not limited to; memory, attention, problem solving, reasoning, organization, planning, and information processing. Basically, all the skills our brains need to complete day to day tasks. Following a traumatic…



This October 26th Life Skills Village will be attending the Case Management Society of America’s for the Detroit Chapters; half day Knee Osteoarthritis Risk Factors and Courses of Care   This event primarily will focus on how Knee Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent joint disease and a leading source of chronic pain and disability in…


What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children, according to the CDC.    Although it is typically diagnosed in childhood, it can carry over into or be diagnosed in adulthood. It can be treated through medication and occupational and behavioral therapies, however, if untreated, ADHD can impact a…


Domestic Violence Awareness : Psychological Impact and Resources

October is ‘Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)’. Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the U.S. On a typical day, there are more than 200,000 calls to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. Domestic violence is not exclusively physical. Psychological abuse increases the trauma of physical and sexual abuse. 7 out…


Learn the Signs that Someone is At Risk

Suicide is a leading cause of death among children and adults, but spotting risk factors and warning signs isn’t easy. It’s National Suicide Prevention Week September 4 through September 10, part of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Nearly 46,000 people in the United States died by suicide in 2020, which is about one death every 11 minutes, according to the US Centers…

High Resolution Portrait of Amy L

Employee Spotlight

What is the number one motivating factor for you and the work you do every day?    The number one motivating factor for me is knowing that I’m truly helping to make a difference in peoples’ lives.  It is great to see the adults that I work with achieve their personal goals and amazing to…


New Therapy, New Facility Same World Class Treatment

  Welcoming Dr. Michelle Klaty to the Life Skills Village team as the Physical Therapy Department head – we have a lot to talk about as we update you on the newest addition to Life Skills Village.    Michelle Klaty was born and raised in Grand Blanc (Flint area) where she also completed her education…